Monday, February 24, 2014

Couch Ski - Facebook

Did a video for Facebook a few weeks ago, it just went up on, uh, Facebook's Facebook page. Yep that's what I said. Well anyway, you have to see it via link, I am not sure of a way to embed a Facebook video in a blog post.

You can see a couple screenshots here but you also can't see me very well... despite being on that cold wet mountain for 15 some odd hours. I am one of the blurry crowd members wearing a light blue striped scarf and blue jacket. You can play Where's Waldo and find me.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Catching up...

It has been a while! I'm building an actual website and have therefore neglected this blog. :( Lots happening on my end, here is the brief:

1) I bought a business, and now run it with my business partner. It is in the animal care industry and we currently have 3 employees.

2) I got engaged in August 2013

Film-wise I have been working here and there. Per usual, most of the things I have done are not out yet, but I do have a clip I can share, below:

Tax Act:

I worked on a music video over the weekend for an artist who just got signed to Universal Records. More on that later.