Friday, September 14, 2012

Nightscape in Montreal

Nightscape is making it's world premier tonight at the Montreal Comicon/Horrorfest. And finally there is a new trailer for the film! Check it out! I absolutely love the soundtrack- it's been stuck in my head for days.

Nightscape Official Trailer from Nightscape on Vimeo.

I flew in to Montreal yesterday and met up with the director (David Edwards) and lead actor (Joshua St. James) here in Quebec. I know ZERO French, which makes me feel like a jerk trying to navigate this city. Last night we met up with a couple other filmmakers, including Todd Freeman (Cell Count) for drinks. Jet lagged (in favor of staying up late), we were out until early in the morning. I rounded out the night with a couple hours of Skype video calling, and finally got to sleep around 5am local time.

David Edwards, Emily Galash, and Joshua St.
James from Nightscape. Taken in Montreal by
Todd Freeman 9/13/12.
This morning we all met for brunch and were joined by Nightscape actor (Jorge Madrid) who flew in from Paris. Now that I've downed a couple cups of coffee, I need to get a little work done and then take a nap. Then around 4pm we're off to the convention to pick up our event passes. Looking forward to people watching and movie watching tonight. More updates from the premier to come!